How To Stop Struggling With Weight Loss

Your struggle to lose weight and keep it off may be due to out-of-control food cravings. Protect your health first.  Never focus on “just weight loss.”  That is a miserable, hungry way to live.

Here’s a story about how someone conquered food cravings and addiction:
My friend, Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson, is a tenured psychology professor with a Ph.D. in Brain and Cognitive Sciences. For sixteen years she struggled with her relationship with food. She dieted again and again, binged on cookie dough, was clinically depressed, and in her darkest hours she would lie in the fetal position and pray for her weight issue to be removed.  
Then, in 2003, she discovered a solution that allowed her to shed all her excess weight. That was over 12 years ago, and she’s now among the top .01% of successful weight loss maintainers. 

For years now, Susan has been teaching her findings in her college course on the Psychology of Eating, and spending all of her spare time helping people one-on-one to get “Happy, Thin, and Free.” 
But last year, in her morning meditation, it came to her that there are millions more who need this information. She decided to create a free video series to share the truth about the psychology and neuroscience of weight loss and food freedom.  
So, if you’re wondering why it’s so difficult to eat the foods you know are healthy, can’t figure out why you are still drawn to junk food, or you need something to make it all click into place, you don’t want to miss this.

The key lies in understanding the neuroscience of food cravings.  Just two little words make all the difference.  Susan explains it beautifully.  Take the FREE QUIZ now!


About Mark

Hi, I'm Mark Dilworth, Nutritionist, Dietary Strategies Specialist, Nutrition for Metabolic Health Specialist and Lifestyle Weight Management Specialist. Since 2006, I have helped thousands of clients and readers make lifestyle habit changes which includes body transformation and ideal body weight.