Fat-Burning, Time-Saving Workout

I do fat-burning, time-saving workouts because I don't have any time to waste...that's not the same thing as "I don't have time to workout!" I schedule time to workout so there are no excuses. Its important to me!

How important are your workouts to you? Is exercise part of what you do most days? If not, you might need to prioritize your schedule....all you need is 30-50 minutes for a weight training workout and 20 minutes for a cardio workout! Fat-burning, time-saving workouts will allow you to always "fit exercise in your schedule."

This week, I will help you come up with ways to take advantage of the time you have during a day. This way, exercise won't get left out of your busy day....

One good tactic to use is this: exercise where you are that day! If you have to go to a certain place (such as a gym) to exercise, you may be wasting alot of time (or making an excuse not to go workout)!

For instance, I had alot of running around to do yesterday so I stopped at the first school yard that I saw to do my cardio (you know I prefer exercising outside anyway)....20 minutes of sprint intervals and I was done!

Its that simple.....more fat-burning, time-saving ideas tomorrow!

If you want to take your workouts to a higher level and blowtorch body fat, my FREE Bodyweight Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts are what you need. There are 3 levels: Bodyweight 200, 300 and 500. Start at the level you can handle.

About Mark

Hi, I'm Mark Dilworth, Nutritionist, Dietary Strategies Specialist, Nutrition for Metabolic Health Specialist and Lifestyle Weight Management Specialist. Since 2006, I have helped thousands of clients and readers make lifestyle habit changes which includes body transformation and ideal body weight.