10 Metabolic Fat Torching Recipes

10 Metabolic Fat Torching Recipes---Free Download!

Metabolic Cooking has been created and prepared by Dave Ruel and Karine Losier (Dave’s better half).

Dave is the most respected and trusted fitness cook in North America and is a firm believer that eating healthy to support your body goals does not have to be plain and boring.

He’s seen fitness enthusiasts go the usual route of steamed chicken, baked potatoes, and broccoli for every meal and has had the opportunity to teach them that there is a ‘better way’. With Dave’s approach, you’re never dieting – you’re just eating healthy because you love it.

Dave has a large background in helping others achieve their goals, be it fat loss or muscle building and is always learning new and innovative techniques to use in the kitchen.

Karine, co-author of the book is also known as the ‘Lean Kitchen Queen’ and has a strong passion for food,fitness, and culinary adventures. She gets excited about challenging the commonly used techniques that most chefs turn to while seeking out healthier alternatives. Simply put, she’s a real kitchen glamour renegade.

The two in combination are simply unbeatable and are able to come up with creative dishes that work well for both males looking to get in great shape as well as females who are after that lean, toned physique. Karine isn’t just a bubbly little chef either.

She holds a master’s degree in psychology so she is fully aware of all the psychological struggles that people face with regards to their eating habits and diets, thus why she knows the importance of good nutrition that tastes great and serves to motivate people to stick with their diet by challenging their commonly held psychological beliefs.

All in all, the duo of Dave and Karine are simply unstoppable in the kitchen and are taking the world by storm, proving that eating healthy can be the most nutritious, enjoyable,and fun experience.

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About Mark

Hi, I'm Mark Dilworth, Nutritionist, Dietary Strategies Specialist, Nutrition for Metabolic Health Specialist and Lifestyle Weight Management Specialist. Since 2006, I have helped thousands of clients and readers make lifestyle habit changes which includes body transformation and ideal body weight.

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