Why Hunger and Calorie Restriction Encourages Binge-Eating

Too much severe calorie restriction, hunger and starvation could bring on binge-eating. And, binge-eating can become a full blown disorder if you're not careful.

The Mayo Clinic defines binge-eating disorder as follows:

"Binge-eating disorder is a serious eating disorder in which you frequently consume unusually large amounts of food. Almost everyone overeats on occasion, such as having seconds or thirds of a holiday meal. But for some people, overeating crosses the line to binge-eating disorder and it becomes a regular occurrence, shrouded in secrecy.

When you have binge-eating disorder, you may be deeply embarrassed about gorging and vow to stop. But you feel such a compulsion that you can't resist the urges and continue binge eating.

Although binge-eating disorder is the most common of all eating disorders, it's still not considered a distinct psychiatric condition. But if you have binge-eating disorder symptoms, treatment can help you."

Control your hunger during the day so you don't binge (overeat) when you do eat. Do this by eating small meals every 3-4 hours to keep your energy and metabolism active.

Another way to control your hunger pangs is to eat a protein source with every meal. Research has proven that protein keeps blood sugar levels more steady and helps you feel fuller for a longer period (slower digestion). Protein also keeps the hunger hormone (ghrelin) in check so your hunger doesn't spike so high.

The addition of foods that contain protein will generally reduce the glycemic index of the meal, if that's your concern.

Good sources of protein are: 
  • lean meats (like baked, grilled or broiled chicken, turkey and grass-fed beef), 
  • cold-water, wild fish like salmon, 
  • raw nuts and seeds, 
  • low-fat diary, 
  • legumes and 
  • veggies
If you feel fuller for longer periods, you will eat less and you won't binge-eat if your hunger pangs are "not out the roof" when you do eat.

Food is meant to be enjoyed....eat the right foods and you won't want to starve yourself.

For instance, if your basal metabolic rate is 1,800 calories a day, 900 calories of food intake is not enough food for your body to function properly.

Doing this for too long will turn your metabolism and health into a total wreck. The most important thing in your life IS NOT to lose weight. Having a healthy body at a healthy weight and acceptable body fat percentage is important.

Quick weight loss motivation focuses on pounds lost instead of body fat burned and inches lost.

Quick weight loss many times uses severe calorie restriction dieting which leads to low energy, slowed metabolism, a weaker immune system, hormonal imbalances, loss of lean mass, increased body fat, decreased energy levels, disrupted sleep patterns, short-term results and yo-yo dieting.

You don't want to live like that, right? Eat right and exercise regularly to get the quality of life and lean body you deserve.

Get your FREE DOWNLOAD, "Fat Burning Foods, Spices and Meals," and start eating better, burning fat, losing weight and building the lean body you want and need!


About Mark

Hi, I'm Mark Dilworth, Nutritionist, Dietary Strategies Specialist, Nutrition for Metabolic Health Specialist and Lifestyle Weight Management Specialist. Since 2006, I have helped thousands of clients and readers make lifestyle habit changes which includes body transformation and ideal body weight.