Top 7 Causes of Stress and How to Beat It

Stress is something that cannot be avoided but it is something that you can manage. Most methods of dealing with stress do not require medicine and are free. Let's look at the top causes of stress according to the American Psychological Association, American Institute of Stress, NY . Then we will look at some easy ways to fight stress. 


1)      Job Pressure:  Co-Worker Tension, Bosses, Work Overload

2)      Money:  Loss of Job, Reduced Retirement, Medical Expenses

3)      Health:  Health Crisis, Terminal or Chronic Illness

4)      Relationships:  Divorce, Death of Spouse, Arguments with Friends, Loneliness

5)      Poor Nutrition:  Inadequate Nutrition, Caffeine, Processed Foods, Refined Sugars

6)      Media Overload:  Television, Radio, Internet, E-Mail, Social Networking

7)      Sleep Deprivation:  Inability to release adrenaline and other stress hormones


Now that we've seen the top causes of stress now let's look at some ways to deal with stress

·         Rest and get plenty of sleep

·         Exercise Daily

·         Have a realistic To-Do-List

·         Delegate more tasks

·         Eat properly

·         Take A Vacation (my favorite stress reducer)

·         Stay positive and keep on pushing through adversity

·         Proactively address problems
Sources: Meds From Nature, American Psychological Association, American Institute of Stress, NY and Brain, Encyclopedia of Homeopathy

Beat chronic stress and body fat with my Free Bodyweight 500 Fat Burner Program!  It has 3 levels:  beginner, intermediate and advanced.  Start at your level.

About Mark

Hi, I'm Mark Dilworth, Nutritionist, Dietary Strategies Specialist, Nutrition for Metabolic Health Specialist and Lifestyle Weight Management Specialist. Since 2006, I have helped thousands of clients and readers make lifestyle habit changes which includes body transformation and ideal body weight.