1 DEADLY Fat Officially banned by FDA

by Joey Atlas

FDA Ban of Trans-Fats

In June, the FDA announced that food manufacturers have until June 2018 to remove the primary source of trans-fats, PHO’s (partially hydrogenated oils), from their products. (and there are THOUSANDS of them).
That’s over 2.5 years. Crazy but true. But it “must” be done because the FDA estimates this ban will save $140 BILLION in health care costs, just in the USA alone - over the next 20 years.
That’s a good indication of how damaging this evil ingredient is. Sad it took so long for all this to come to light.
The reasons for the ban? Here you go:
1 - they increase your bad cholesterol (the LDL’s)
2 - they lower your good cholesterol (the HDL’s)
3 - they are suspected to cause inflammtion
4 - they may lead to heart attacks and strokes
5 - they are linked to type-2 diabetes
6 - AND - they cause problems with memory and cognitive function
I strongly believe they also do MUCH more damage than that - but we’ll save that for another day.
Now - it’s VERY important to understand - this trans-fat “ban” doesn’t mean all will be fine and healthy - because the trans-fats will most likely be replaced with other risky fat ingredients, such as; palm kernel oil (high in saturated fat - and raises bad cholesterol levels)...
Genetically modified soybean oils will also become an alternative. Experts say these GMO oils may lead to a host of health problems and cause environmental issues. And what’s worse is that, as of now, these don’t have to be labeled as ‘GMOs’ - so people won’t even know this because GMO status won’t be on the label.
So, if the ban only means it will be replaced by other unhealthy alternatives - then what is one to do?
The answer is simple:
1 - Most of the processed foods that trans-fats go into - shouldn’t even be included in the “health and fitness lifestyle”.
2 - Those types of foods should basically be seen for what they are. Garbage. And banned from your own nutrition plan.
3 - The key is to focus on what you CAN and SHOULD be eating…. Foods and ingredients that are in line with your personal health and fitness goals. Simple.
4 - If you value your life - and you want to live as long and healthy as possible - don’t put foods in your body that are proven to cause disease, age you faster - and cause premature death.
5 - Now remember - the good fats are actually necessary for optimal health, performance and function. Fats such as organic extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil…. These are life-enhancers!! They cause lots of GOOD things to happen inside us.
And despite the old myth of fatty foods causing excess body fat - that’s only half true. Because there are (healthy) fatty foods that actually help us BURN OFF unwanted, excess body-fat and flab…
Please share today’s email about the FDA ban and the 7 Fatty Foods e-Guide with your friends, family and co-workers. The simplest gesture can make the most powerful impact on someone’s life. Don’t underestimate that.


About Mark

Hi, I'm Mark Dilworth, Nutritionist, Dietary Strategies Specialist, Nutrition for Metabolic Health Specialist and Lifestyle Weight Management Specialist. Since 2006, I have helped thousands of clients and readers make lifestyle habit changes which includes body transformation and ideal body weight.