Your Bodyweight Cardio Fat Burner Workout
Since cardio exercise bores me to tears, I keep it short, fast and tough to get max benefit (calorie burn, fat burn, body sculpting).....
This is a bodyweight circuit cardio fat burner workout I often do (rest 30-45 seconds between exercises):
1. Step Ups (knee-high platform), 10 each leg
2. Pullups, 10 reps, moderate pace
3. Decline pushups, 10 moderate pace
4. Bodyweight Squats, 12 reps
5. Tricep Dips on Bars, 10 reps, moderate pace
6. Mountain Climbers, 30 seconds, fast (pictured above)
Rest 2-3 minutes between circuit. Repeat circuit 2 more times.
That's it! Do it and you're outta there! Give it a try...if you need more rest, take it.
What do you do to keep cardio interesting?
This is a bodyweight circuit cardio fat burner workout I often do (rest 30-45 seconds between exercises):
1. Step Ups (knee-high platform), 10 each leg
2. Pullups, 10 reps, moderate pace
3. Decline pushups, 10 moderate pace
4. Bodyweight Squats, 12 reps
5. Tricep Dips on Bars, 10 reps, moderate pace
6. Mountain Climbers, 30 seconds, fast (pictured above)
Rest 2-3 minutes between circuit. Repeat circuit 2 more times.
That's it! Do it and you're outta there! Give it a try...if you need more rest, take it.
What do you do to keep cardio interesting?